Turquoise – The Gemstone of Heaven and Earth
by Kat Paulick
Turquoise has been used as a decorative stone for thousands of years and is widely known for its appearance. It was one of the first gemstones to be mined and is naturally opaque, with colors ranging from sea blue to green. This stone is found in arid climates, mainly in Iran, the Sinai peninsula, and the American Southwest. Throughout history, people have prized turquoise for its beauty, and its cultural diversity has resulted in a variety of stunning creations such as dreamcatchers, mosque roofs, and Egyptian burial masks.

Vintage Native American Turquoise Jewelry. Image: The Gemmary
Aztec Turquoise Mask. Image: Pointe-à-Callière
The Sleeping Beauty Mine, located in Arizona, is well-known for its production of high-quality turquoise. However, it stopped operating in 2012, which led to a significant rise in the price of Sleeping Beauty turquoise in the industry. In comparison to Persian turquoise, many consider the other types of turquoise mined in America to be of lower quality.
Victorian Persian Turquoise Rings. Image: The Gemmary
Persian turquoise is a gemstone nicknamed “Heaven on Earth” due to its beautiful blue color. It has been used to adorn sacred buildings and artifacts for thousands of years. This classification can refer to any stone found within what was once the Persian empire. The city of Nishapur in Iran is home to some of the oldest known mines and was the main supplier of turquoise in the Old World for thousands of years. The gemstone eventually made its way to Europe and Asia via the Silk Road. The Nishapur mines are still active and continue to produce some of the most highly sought-after turquoises in the world.

King Tut's Death Mask Inlaid with Turquoise. Image: Shutterstock
The ancient Egyptians used to mine turquoise from Serabit el-Kahdim and Wadi Maghareh mines in the Sinai Peninsula, even before the First Dynasty. The gold burial mask of Tutankhamun, a pharaoh, is one of the most famous turquoise inlay representations, accompanied by carnelian and lapis lazuli.
Turquoise is a gemstone admired for its unique color-changing ability, historically given a metaphysical explanation. The ancient Persians believed that the turquoise color indicated good health, vigor, or a woman’s faithfulness. A fading and cracked stone showed declining health or a woman’s infidelity. Gemologists have since explained this characteristic as a chemical reaction to dust, skin acidity, cosmetics, or light. The color-changing ability of turquoise has also earned it a reputation in Native American cultures as a living stone.
A Collection of Vintage Turquoise and Taxco Jewelry. Image: The Gemmary
Turquoise was one of the first gems that inspired imitation. In the Americas, wooden pendants from 1200 AD were painted to resemble the stone. The Egyptians also produced artificial turquoise using glazed earthenware. Nowadays, turquoise is imitated using plastic or manipulating another stone, such as howlite or magnesite.
Turquoise Rough. Image: StockCake
In modern Western culture, the sky-blue beauty is December’s birthstone. It is still used by spiritualists for its healing properties and represents good fortune, protection, and strength. As the Gregorian rhyme goes,
“If cold December gave you birth,
The month of snow and ice and mirth,
Place your hand on a turquoise blue;
Success will bless whate’er you do.”